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Welcome to Tintagel Primary School

I am proud to lead a vibrant, happy ‘Tribe of Learners’ here in the coastal village of Tintagel. Being a small school, we pride ourselves on our ‘family feel’ and maintain strong, positive relationships with the children and their families. We value the importance of this and Personal Development is held high on our agenda. Our children are nurtured, feel safe and are given the opportunities to thrive.

Children here embody our school motto, being ‘Curious, Courageous and Kind,’ and are immersed in rich learning experiences throughout their school years. We passionately believe in using tangible hooks to bring learning to life and to help children develop their understanding.

Both our indoor and outdoor learning environment is bespoke to our curriculum and is purposeful and calm. We have extensive outdoor spaces and love to get the children outside as much as we can. Our curriculum is aspirational and stimulates curiosity and teaches children to have a voice.

We are aspirational for our Tribe and want them to find delight in their learning, to be open-minded and we hope to be the catalyst which opens doors to all that the world has to offer. We always welcome visitors and would love to show you around our school in which we are very proud.

Mrs Kirkman / Head of School

Tintagel Primary School
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